Hello Everyone, I've have been reading(listening and learning) from alot of more experienced fishermen/anglers like yourselves for a while without interjecting. I consider myself to be a newbie since I have only started seriously fishing between 5-10 years. ......I truly believe newbies need to earn and really put in the work before the older guys give up all of the secerts of fishing they have worked to learn themselves through the years of fishing......in other words, newbies and people wanting to learn have to "pay their dues" before given the right to have the knowledge of the best places, best times, best bait, etc......why should anyone help me if they don't see I share the same passion for the sport as they do and don't want to put in the effort........The older guys need to pick and choose wisely before taking someone under their wings and showing them the ropes........There are alot of people from my generation who think for some reason they deserve everything without having to put in the work for it......I can go on and on......in a nut shell,....their are of newbies who are willing to put in the work and deserve a chance to keep this sport going for future generations with the help of older more experienced fishermen but there are also newbies who want everything handed to them, blow-up the best places, leave trash, not respect the locals, call ALL of their buddies then forget and turn their backs on the people who helped them fish those rocks, surf, river, etc........