Here I go embarassing him again, but the info contained in UrbanFishingMan's first post in this thread is gold, folks. Frikkin gold, people.....

He's learned this stuff through years of trial and error.
He's learned, from watching others fail, and almost drown, to respect the power of the current, and....
To have a back-up rescue plan in case your FIRST rescue plan doesn't pan out...

Again, he fishes the most dangerous waters on the East Coast....
and comes back alive each time.....

I don't know if many of ya's will ever have the need or desire to fish waters like that....and honestly I would only recommend it to someone who has a high degree of experience, and confidence in their skill set.....

But some of those links he posted there, can benefit guys who fish other surf areas, in NJ and LI, that may be less dangerous but still challenging...

It's not very often someone comes along willing to help people like that...
And he's nice enough to post it up for anyone who's interested to read and learn.

Outstanding thread and info, UFM, thanks for sharing with us.....

(And I hope ya consider the phone message I left for ya the other night....the night tides are good till Sat....and prime tides are so late that they will keep most folks indoors...come on down.... )