I found this on another site.
The folks at PEW have been busy.
Please sign the petition if you can.

Everybody needs to pay attention to this, if you don't think it can happen here, check with your buddies out in California, PEW is going to shut down recreational fishing.

Help Required
Hi Folks.

I bring bad news. The Australian Commonwealth Marine Parks Zoning Maps have finally been released and the news is not good.

The Coral Sea. One of the worlds largest pristine marine enviroments will be closed to recreational fishing.

If you have ever dreamt of doing a Nomad trip or visiting the wide reefs off Cairns please sign this e petition from Capt Damon Olson of Nomad Sport Fishing.

There are only 2 months to make any changes to this plan and we are up against the wall. Once implemented it will be law and will take a vote in both the upper house and lower house of federal parliment to repeal. The marine parks were developed by PEW and they got what they wanted.

To read more on the parks please read here http://www.fishingworld.com.au/

Be aware my yankee friends. We were the first test. Now watch PEW close down large portions of the USA to fishing.

PLease sign the letter. Over 90% of submissions supporting the marine park came from over seas. You can make a difference from another part of the word.