The Value of the Opposed to Many.....
There are times when you hear reports here about multiple fish....
Those are great times, and the adrenalin you feel if you're lucky to be in on a double digit (or, more rare, triple digit) bite is off the charts....
That adrenalin can be addictive.
I should know, because that adrenalin, and looking for that to happen, has me hooked...

It doesn't always happen that way, though...
Even for the best of the best, on an average night if you get a few fish, it's a good night....

What if you fish all night, and can't find any fish at all?
Sometimes that's just the way it is.
As we say, hey that's fishing....

Hovever, if you do get a fish, even one or 2....the feeling to me, is sometimes more triumphant, than catching fish after fish.....
Some put it in simple terms....
"Hey you found a lucky fish...."

Yup, I agree....

But sometimes it's much more, psychologically...

That one or 2 fish....that you hunted for and found despite conditions not being optimal....sometimes makes it all worthwhile....