Yup, Shorelady aced the Kayak division with final 3 fluke tally of 61 1/2".....WTG Judy!


Pt. Pleasant Elks Fluke Tournament results

Published: Monday, July 23, 2012, 7:59 PM

Though the Point Pleasant Elks Fluke Tournament was postponed from Saturday to Sunday due to rough seas, there was a good turnout that produced a few large fluke despite the swell -- but no doormats.

Dave Deo of Watchung managed to win the contest with just a 7.7-pound fluke, edging the 7-pounder by Craig Zincavage of Hopatcong. Lou DeRosa of Toms River was the first Shore angler able to take advantage of the "home field" edge – followed by Eugene Murphy from the same town in fourth at 6.7 pounds. There was a tie for fifth at 6.6 pounds between Gary Read of South Amboy and Tom Easton of Greenbrook --who also won the Elks member's prize.

Matt Calabria of Hazlet was next with a 6.5-pounder, and Anthony Fanelli (14) from Bordentown won the youth award.

In the separate entry Kayak Division, which is for merchandise prizes and is determined by length, John Kravcha of Brick won at 24 ¼ inches – just a half-inch ahead of Andrew Tortorello of Toms River. Phil Orsini of Scotch Plains was another half-inch back at 23 ¼ inches.

The prize for a combination of three fluke from a kayak went to Judy Seager of Deal at 61 ½ inches over two Brick anglers
– Gary Ward at 58 inches and Larry Newman with 51 inches.