Took the kayaks out yesterday and both my brother and a friend had brand new shiny 2013 Hobies.

Got to the water early in the morning and the fog was so thick you could barely see the 30' yacht moving 20 yards away. We took our time to unload the kayaks and rig everything and waited for the fog to start thinning.

Once the wind shifted the fog thinned and we launched staying a few feet from the shore line. About 15 minutes later the fog was completely gone and we moved into the channels and drifted for fluke. Right away the croakers show up along with some fluke. Barley into our first drift I saw a few birds working far out so we decided to go check it out.

Get there and its bluefish practically everywhere feeding on the surface in only 6-8 feet of water. We had double and triple hookups for over 3-4 hours all mixed sizes but most were smaller in the 5-10lb size and some pushed 10lbs.

I still have no clue as to what they were feeding on. I didn't see any bait and none of them spit anything up. My best guess is that they are feeding on all the croakers that are around.

I have some great footage of my brother trying to keep a pencil popper away from the bluefish but unfortunately the video clearly gives away where we were fishing so I won't be posting it.

With our arms tired we decided to leave the blues and try for some fluke...buddy managed a 22" fluke and then we called it quits.

So much for all the bluefish being offshore

First cast out there I did manage to open up another 5H Rasco split ring...this is starting to get old really quick.