Some simple truths........

1. We are closer now to a moratorium than we have ever been in the last 30 years since striped bass were rebuilt.

2. As mentioned, more pressure on striped bass than ever before with closures in many other fisheries.

3. A stubborn refusal of a large group of anglers to recognize there is anything wrong at all...let me clarify this...although many more today are thinking about striped bass as a renewal resource, and this mindset is growing.....There are some who have a selfish mentality of "I'm gettng mine, leave me alone" ...some folks only fish certain areas at certain times of the year, and thus they would not be able to see the big picture.....

4. The decline of YOY stats.....
These YOY stats..scientific measures of Young of the Year in the main spawning areas.... have been discussed here before.....I imagine some folks are bored as hell hearing about it......Some say the figures are BS.....nonetheless, we have to have some benchmark to measure the bass by......