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Thread: Obama Screws us again

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Ocean County,NJ

    Default Obama Screws us again

    Recreational Fishing Alliance Contact: Jim Hutchinson, Jr. / 888-564-6732 For Immediate Release May 5, 2013
    Pew & Walton Sponsored "Dogfish & Pony Show"

    May 5, 2013 - The third Managing Our Nation's Fisheries conference is being held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, May 7-9, 2013 in Washington, DC. Conference organizers boast how the "conference follows up on the highly successful Managing Our Nation's Fisheries conferences held in 2003 and 2005," which Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA) translates as more of the same boring, tedious and self-aggrandizing doublespeak presented at previous conferences where nothing was ever accomplished.
    "Saltwater anglers don't see anything successful about fisheries management in the last few years, not with losing so many fishing days on red snapper and black sea bass, and watching the New England groundfishery collapse," said RFA executive director Jim Donofrio.

    "But this is after all a Pew Charitable Trusts event and they just love what they've done to our coastal fishing community," Donofrio added.

    RFA said the 2013 show's organizing sponsors like Pew Charitable Trusts and the Walton Family Foundation actually helped finance and direct the rewriting of the 2007 law (Magnuson Stevens Act) which has led to widespread economic collapse in the recreational industry due to reduced angler access; these are the same organizations heavily funding global initiatives to privatize marine fisheries through individually assigned quotas and catch shares, while pushing for 'no-access' and 'no-take' marine reserves.

    RFA members and supporters have been asking if our national organization is sending delegates to Washington DC for this event - our official response is no.

    "We've attended the previous dog and pony shows and watched the usual suspects giving world view presentations about successful fisheries management in the United States, and in all honesty it would be a waste of our supporters' hard-earned cash to sit in on yet another national vision quest supported by special interests which are not are own," Donofrio said.

    "The current administration does not want political activists like RFA representing our members at important fisheries meetings like HMS (Highly Migratory Species) or ICCAT (International Commission for the Conservation of AtlanticTunas), and they certainly don't want to hear our view about the present management of our coastal fisheries either," he added.

    Donofrio and the RFA were longtime delegates at HMS and ICCAT representing the best interests of America's saltwater anglers. That all ended on inauguration day of 2009 when President Obama signed an executive order banning lobbyists from working on regulations directly related to any specific employer. Since RFA employs Donofrio who only lobbies in Washington DC on issues related exclusively to saltwater fisheries and recreational anglers, the Obama administration edict has ramifications that sometimes preclude RFA from working with certain committees that govern coastal fisheries.

    "It sounds good to some people when you attack certain special interests, but when you allow certain exclusions and waivers to allow some hand-picked lobbyists to work the system while giving groups like Pew and the heirs to the Wal-Mart throne the keys the kingdom, it leads directly to the type of economic collapse we've seen in the past five years within our coastal communities," Donofrio said. "It's no secret to anyone in the recreational sector that things have gotten progressively worse for us during the past five years, and certainly since the last national back-slapping conference in 2005."

    Managing director Jim Hutchinson, Jr. said RFA did not pony up sponsorship support of the Managing Our Nation's Fisheries conference as some of the environmental non-government organizations (ENGO) had done, but he was still planning to send staff to the event until the official sponsorship list was released.

    "When we looked at the line-up of ENGO speakers and the stacked audience of Pew and EDF (Environmental Defense Fund) activists, we didn't see much benefit for RFA members to spend money on endorsing such an event, certainly not at a time when our access to fisheries like red snapper and black sea bass is being stripped away due to a broken law and government neglect," Hutchinson said.

    The 500-member attendee list - currently at capacity with no new registrants being accepted - includes over 60 attendees from the ENGO sector, including 23 individual representatives from Pew Charitable Trusts and at least nine from EDF and their funded organizations. There are also 112 participants from regional fisheries councils and commissions and just 39 staff members from NOAA Fisheries and the Department of Commerce. Due to budget restrictions resulting from the federal sequestration, many NOAA Fisheries representatives were not told if they were being allowed to attend this now closed meeting until the end of last week.

    "Let's just hope that the dozen or so congressional staffers attending this event will realize that they're being shuffled along through a stacked deck," Hutchinson said. "These are some of the wealthiest groups and individuals in the environmental industry hosting this event while simultaneously blocking all congressional efforts to provide relief to our hard-working, middle-class fishermen, it's really tragic."

    RFA is continuing to work with key Members of Congress to address the inflexibility in the federal fisheries law which is up for reauthorization in 2013, while also hoping to push for improved funding and better accountability in science and data collection out of the Commerce Department which oversees NOAA Fisheries.

    "The President just made his top priorities known with his recent Commerce Secretary nomination, to grow the economy, create good middle-class jobs and to make sure that the next generation prospers, and current fishery policy which the ENGO's will be bragging about this week do not reconcile with those principles," Donofrio added.

    If you're being forced to attend this three-day dogfish and pony show - whether by kidnap, corporate mandate, bureaucratic expense account, or simply because you drew the short straw at your fishing club - be sure to bring along a few boards of Fish Buzz Bingo to add a little zip to this three-day circus!

    "I've sat through enough of these events in the past 17 years to tell you honestly, it's going to get pretty frustrating, particularly with all the board room catch phrases and acronyms these speakers are going to toss around," said Donofrio. "Pass a Fish Buzz Bingo card to the guy at your left and right, and this whole useless government exercise will get a lot more exciting when you hear someone yell BINGO in the middle of a presentation on free markets, angling opportunity, barotrauma and capacity reduction."

    Pay attention to what history has taught us or be prepared to relive it again

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Obama Screws us again

    Quote Originally Posted by finchaser View Post
    Recreational Fishing Alliance Contact: Jim Hutchinson, Jr. / 888-564-6732 For Immediate Release May 5, 2013


    If you're being forced to attend this three-day dogfish and pony show - whether by kidnap, corporate mandate, bureaucratic expense account, or simply because you drew the short straw at your fishing club - be sure to bring along a few boards of Fish Buzz Bingo to add a little zip to this three-day circus!

    "I've sat through enough of these events in the past 17 years to tell you honestly, it's going to get pretty frustrating, particularly with all the board room catch phrases and acronyms these speakers are going to toss around," said Donofrio. "Pass a Fish Buzz Bingo card to the guy at your left and right, and this whole useless government exercise will get a lot more exciting when you hear someone yell BINGO in the middle of a presentation on free markets, angling opportunity, barotrauma and capacity reduction."

    What the hell is this - this is the way they talk? do they even fish?

    The third Managing Our Nation's Fisheries conference is being held May 7-9, 2013 in Washington, DC. Conference organizers (NOAA) boast how the "conference follows up on the highly successful Managing Our Nation's Fisheries conferences held in 2003 and 2005," which means of course you can expect to hear much of the same boring, tedious and self-aggrandizing doublespeak presented at previous conferences where nothing was accomplished. Show sponsors like Pew Charitable Trusts and the Walton Family Foundation who helped rewrite the law to stop you from fishing (while simultaneously creating a network of ‘no access’ marine reserves around the world) almost guarantee that this dog and pony show - like the last two - will completely gloss over the debilitating loss of angler access and devastating economics impacts to our recreational fishing community. If you’re being forced to attend, whether at gunpoint, through mandates by bureaucratic bosses, or because you drew the short straw at your fishing club, be sure to bring along a few boards of Fish Buzz Bingo to add a little zip to this nonsensical three-day event!
    Critical Habitat
    FMP Regulated
    Stakeholder Compromise
    Traceability National
    Recruitment Limited
    Metric Benthic
    Assessment Decision
    Population Dynamics Risk
    Food-Web Holistic

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default Re: Obama Screws us again

    It sounds like a convention of scientists. Do they even let fishermen participate anymore or is that just to have a token one or two at the meetings?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Re: Obama Screws us again

    The PEW nutcases would be happy if we gave up fishing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008
    New Jersey

    Default Re: Obama Screws us again

    Quote Originally Posted by finchaser View Post
    Recreational Fishing Alliance Contact: Jim Hutchinson, Jr. / 888-564-6732 For Immediate Release May 5, 2013
    "The current administration does not want political activists like RFA representing our members at important fisheries meetings like HMS (Highly Migratory Species) or ICCAT (International Commission for the Conservation of AtlanticTunas), and they certainly don't want to hear our view about the present management of our coastal fisheries either," he added.

    Donofrio and the RFA were longtime delegates at HMS and ICCAT representing the best interests of America's saltwater anglers. That all ended on inauguration day of 2009 when President Obama signed an executive order banning lobbyists from working on regulations directly related to any specific employer. Since RFA employs Donofrio who only lobbies in Washington DC on issues related exclusively to saltwater fisheries and recreational anglers, the Obama administration edict has ramifications that sometimes preclude RFA from working with certain committees that govern coastal fisheries.
    "Let's just hope that the dozen or so congressional staffers attending this event will realize that they're being shuffled along through a stacked deck," Hutchinson said. "These are some of the wealthiest groups and individuals in the environmental industry hosting this event while simultaneously blocking all congressional efforts to provide relief to our hard-working, middle-class fishermen, it's really tragic."

    "The President just made his top priorities known with his recent Commerce Secretary nomination, to grow the economy, create good middle-class jobs and to make sure that the next generation prospers, and current fishery policy which the ENGO's will be bragging about this week do not reconcile with those principles," Donofrio added.

    This piece of crap president is our worst ever. He had one term to fix things and he failed. Did we look for better alternatives or vote him out? No we voted for him again. I didn't. Obama and the tree huggers behind him have no interest at all in fishing other than making sure there are less of us. Does anyone remember the pic of Osama fly fishing? that was totally staged the man never fished a day in his life except for the photo op.

    If you notice he speaks proper english when addressing all the liberals and lawyers.
    Then when he speaks to an audience of the brothers you see him trying to slip some ebonics term or something like that into it. Total elitist bs he no more represents the brothers than mussolini would have. His administration is made up of elitist libs who think they have divine guidance from God to lead us to the promised land. Depresses me every day I think about him. whats more depressing is we voted him in the 2nd time

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