Fishing a Barometric pressure drop......

I have related on here, over the years, that I have a good friend who is a fanatic about this....

1. Some believe this strategy will pay off,
2. some believe it is just unproven theory with too many variables to hold consistently..

I believe about half of each statement above, holds to be my experience...

There are a lot of variables....for sure...
The most extreme part of the barometric pressure drop is usually during the worst part of the storm, making fishing unsafe, and dangerous....I don't want folks reading this to think it's ok to fish during those times...because generally, it's not...remember that no fish is worth your life...

However, Fin and others have pointed out, that right before the bad parts of a weather system starts to build, the fishing can be fantastic as the fish "put on the feedbag" before the storm....

If you are aware of this, as a possibility, and are seasoned enough to figure out where you may be best protected when fishing....this can prove to be an opportunity....or not...but please remember, there is no fish worth your life....every year some fishermen die because of foolishness thinking they could get in some good hours of fishing before a storm...please don't become a statistic.....your family needs you....