This season has taught me to adapt with the changes that have happened the past year,or couple years...Alot of guys including myself get stuck in there routine,Go to spot X on this tide,Go to the other spot at this time...And when that doesnt work AT ALL and you rack up a ton skunked trips its time to ADAPT to the changes...Its tuff to do IMHO..You get so used to the normal stuff/spots working you almost get lazy(im a example for sure)..So when me and my bud set out the other night to a "new"spot we havent fish it was a way of adapting and trying something out of the norm for us...Granted we didnt catch there but thats not the point...I get it now and i am totally willing to keep adapting with the way the fishing is..Especially if it gets me some action that i would have never had...My next "adapting" will be to FISH AND LEARN the backbays..I have neglected that fishery for ever except for the early spring...But as i get older im starting to understand how stupid it was of me to not take the time to learn it..Instead Id go to the same old spots that have yeilded me very little this season instead of scouting and learning about the back...Thanks as always Dark for a solid thread!!