As far as the rambling- well, you are in good company, lets just say that.

I have nothing really to add to help your situation but reading your accounts reminds me of something I saw the other day. I was watching a show called Monster Fish. There are 2 shows with that title. One is with Trev Goudy or something like that and the other is a guy who is a marine biologist- The later one is the one I am referring to. Well anyway, he was down in Louisiana and he was on a local fisherman's boat. They were netting fish. In their catches they got carp and blue cats and bull head cats.
The fisherman pointed out that the flat head catfish is different from the other catfish in that they are predators that lie in wait. As opposed to the other catfish that will search for food by scent. He showed that the bellies were very white and the upper side was brown- sort of like a flounder.
Anyway- not sure if that is entirely true, but thought it was interesting.