^^ You asked some very challenging questions there, Monty......and they should be explored.
Some of the answers might cause a lot of controversy if we were able to post the truth about the connections various groups have, and the influence they have, when the ASMFC votes.

At this point I am not making accusations.
You folks are free to make any inferences you want, to try to help us figure out what is broken at the ASMFC. You are all entitled to your opinions.

When we are implementing our action plan, we will probably be making some enemies within the fishing community.
There are folks out there who would not be happy with the inferences being drawn,,,,,they would say there is no proof......

That's why I'm not making those inferences at this time,......merely stating that for the last 3 years, the ASMFC has been admitting the striped bass harvest is declining......and have not made a move to do anything concrete to resolve that issue.....

Therefore, it's reasonable to think that there are certain interest groups operating out of the public sphere, that are influencing the way the Commissioners vote, privately.....

Please be aware there is nothing criminal about this...it's the way of Politics,.,,,,and the way deals are done in Fisheries management all the time....many issues are resolved behind closed doors, with ourselves as fishermen having limited say, or influence in these matters.

**It is all about advocacy groups,,,,and the reason I have publically backed PACS like the RFA here in the past....

However, it's becoming more clear to me, and scores of other fishermen,. that these meetings are a dog and pony show...the minds are made up ahead of time, and there is possible undue influence from groups operating in the shadows, pushing their interests ahead of the interests of the average fisherman.

**This is what I want to explore in this thread.
Your first Amendment Rights will be protected here. You are free to voice your opinion whether you agree with any statements here or not.
I want to be very careful, as the Admin, to stay in the middle of any strong opinions that may develop, and give everyone equal time to voice their opinion.