Craig Holt, writer for North Carolina Sportsman magazine, recently tagged along with Chuck and I on a central NC coyote hunt. While I got to hear lots of crazy hunting stories from those two, I did not get to hear (or see) any coyotes. As Craig said, it was just "one of those days."

Before the hunt, Chuck showed Craig some of his (extensive) call collection:

We hiked in about a mile, and set up in an old cemetery. Unfortunately, the two photos I took of the cemetery disappeared from my camera. (?!) What's up with that???

After the cemetery stand, we set up on the edge of a new clearcut. Nice field of fire. No dogs, though. Rats.

Chuck and Craig pick up the decoy.

Craig Holt at work. I didn't want my lens to break; Craig is made of much sterner stuff (or at least his lens is.)

Chuck Taylor, founder of the NCPHA, with Craig Holt, sportswriter. We hunted into a cold, crisp night, to no avail.

Thanks for reading!