Quote Originally Posted by DarkSkies View Post
**There are quite a few boaters who feel kayak flags should be mandatory.
They feel with poor visibility in rough seas, they are afraid that one day they will hit a kayaker by accicent.
This could result in tragedy, even death.
It's about time that we start policing ourselves, start promoting better safety out there, before the Legislators are forced to do it for us.....

I belong to that group ds. A few of my friends have made the jokes about kayaks being speed bumps. We are really not serious and not looking for an accident. When there are swells of over 3' it becomes increasingly difficult to see a kayak. Yelow or orange are more visible. Not all kayaks are that color - some are tan, blue, etc. It's enough of a job to navigate through floating debris. Seeing a kayaker bobbing up and down when visibility is poor is like finding a needle in a haystack. At the very least the orange flags should be mandatory. I am also in favor of state registration and regulation. There are too many kayaks out there. Don't even get me started about the ones I have seen trying to use the inlets to get to the ocean.