Welcome aboard LI Surfcaster.
I share your same sentiments about the ASMFC and have been watching them give lip service to the striped bass fishery for the last 7 years, saying one thing and doing another.

At one time I believed we as fishermen could change that. Now, after all these years, I am beginning to see a pattern where it seems they pretend to listen to us but already have their own agenda. Sadly, I feel somehow there is corruption among the ranks, and that commercial interests are a strong presence behind the scenes.

The clearest way for us to change that, is to identify the most lax at the ASMFC, the ones that consistently speak how healthy the striped bass fishery is, and apply pressure for their removal, whether they are representatives of our chosen political party or not.

My experience trying to get fishermen involved in these things has shown me that many folks will rant and rave on the internet, but when it comes time for action, they just will not rally in sufficient numbers to scare the politicians into action. And that is the only thing that many politicians understand, swift and severe action of voting for their opponent, and getting the entrenched ones out of office.

I like your idea of the interim measure of one at 32". There are various movements out there.....and I believe that despite the apathy we should not give up.....please let me know if there is anything we can do to give your cause further publicity.....

Welcome aboard.....and thanks for your effort..........

**Sometimes, in the longest battles.....the tide can turn....with the most determined warriors.....food for thought..... If Bob Pond were alive now, he would not give up either......