The exerpts from the article were sent in by Finchaser, thanks.
Reprinted courtesy of the Fisherman weekly periodical.
The Fisherman Magazine, New Jersey's premier sportfishing authority since 1973.

Respected outdoor writer Tim Coleman recently authored an article titled:
The Bass Moratorium - Life without bass - almost a reality

It was well-written, and raises some valid points and comparison to the East Coast Striped bass Moratorium in the early 1980's.

We already have a thread here called "Where are the Striped Bass?"
That thread documents a decline in YOY birth numbers for striped bass. It has plenty of scientific and anecdotal evidence that we may be close to another moratorium if we don't start making greater conservation choices.

Here's the thread for anyone who wants to read:

I thought this article was important enough to merit its own discussion.

Finchaser and some of the older members here and throughout the fishing community have been bringing up the possibility of another moratorium for years now.

The problem ....few were listening.

However, in recent years, the matter-of-fact logic, minus the ranting and rhetoric you usually see in these discussions, has been winning over converts to this theory. Additionally, guys like Finchaser and others, who have fished for 40 or 50 years, are sharing their experiences and drawing the parallels.

As time permits, I'll be sharing these exerpts with you folks out there. Whether you agree or disagree with these ideas is up to you. The important thing, as I have always asked, is to read for yourselves, and make your own decisions.

Positive or negative, all opinions are welcome here.
Thanks for reading, people.