I already know that most all of you are gonna beat up on me but I don't care.

if we cant be honest here where can we?
personally, live by experience among other things.
one experience I have seen a thousand times is a fish that regains it's function after a fight witout human intervention.

my first time was many moons ago after a good fight a bass got off in a big eddy outside the current,it was belly up but the gills were still pumping.

since I could not reach it I had to let it be,my partner kept saying it's dead over and over even while it's gills were working fast.
after about 2 minutes a Bloop was heard and the fish swam away,it regained it's strength enough to swim away on it's own.

I was kinda amazed at that since I always heard that they needed to be revived.
since that day and after studying fish and other animals the FACTS came to me plain as day,it is not needed.
since that time,I don't do all that extra handling and just let the fish be,it will be fine if it recovers on it's own.

NOW,I know that prolly all of you disagree but again,I don't care,this is for discussion and I can only ask for some kind of proof that they need help to recover.

So,lets hear about it.