When you get past the MA canal there are a lot of real great rivers to the west that have always held bass. They still do and every year you can find numbers to 30lbs. As Doc says, they "say" the bass are healthy. When you fish for them and scratch your head and say how come they aren't thick this year you start to think about the numbers that the scientists put up. There was a time when Capts I know used to have this discussion. They said the bass were declining because of lack of bunker. Now it looks like the bunker are coming back. We don't see a lot of them but I blame the seals for that too. I think I read where an adult seal can eat 20 bunker a day. To get to the point if there are more bunker there should be more bass, no? But there aren't. Especially the ones in the 24-34" size. I think that corresponds to the bad years that Muller mentions in the the interview.