dark you try to hard, why can't we just throw them in the water, lol:
dark you try to hard, why can't we just throw them in the water, lol:
I can't make that date, but appreciate all you do out there and on this site, Dark.![]()
We will be meeting at the main parking lot by whale creek in cliffwood @ 9:00am on Saturday 4/25.
Please e-mail me for my cell#.I look forward to meeting you!! Especially you Rich!!!!!!!!
Just want to make sure anyone who's interested sees the change of date here. Apparently they decided to coordinate the cleanup with the Cliffwood or Aberdeen Town Manager, and bring some other people in. Looks like this will be a good chance for all fishermen out there to show some of the administrators and townspeople what we're made of, and that not all of us are disrespectful idiots.
Nice job on the coordinating to FC!I know he was in touch with a lot of people and it was difficult to get people to participate. We still gotta do some fishin, FC.
That's the nature of political and activist involvement, man. Tell 1000 people, and MAYBE you'll get 50-100. That's OK, we can teach people one person at a time, one day at a time.
No signup necessary for this. If ya find yourself with nothing to do next Saturday 4/25 somewhere around 8am,why not take the drive down to Cliffwood and lend a helping hand? (That is IF you feel Raritan bay is worth fighting for
Added bonus: I talked with a contact at On the Water magazine. They will be giving a hand as well, and giving out copies of the NJ edition.
Thanks for reading, people!
Some directions:
The parking lot is "point A" in the map above! When you click on the "Directions" link above, the parking lot will become point "B" and your starting point will be part "A".
The Whale Creek parking lot can be most easily reached by turning onto Furman or Raritan Blvd when travelling southbound on Route 35. You can also reach it by making the turn onto Cliffwood Ave, but this is a more winding route.
Print this map out and take it with you. The streets down there are winding and curvy. If you get lost find your way to the water. The 7-11 is a good landmark on Rt 35. If you come to the rock walls of Cliffwood you have gone too far, as the Whale Creek parking lot is to the left of those walls as you are facing the water. Hope this helps!
The important thing is working on the perceptions of people who see us daily. You are right, you cannot change the behavior of everyone. Any cleanup is a good cleanup, nice work guys.
i will try to make it down if i can get a ride there:
^Just to let you guys know that the cleanup is tomorrow at the Whale Creek lot at 9am. Try to bring some trash bags with you if you're coming. The town will be working with us also, but it never hurts to bring some extra bags in case they're needed.
You don't have to be a member of any site or club to come down and give a hand. I posted the map and directions above. Anyone needs a ride, let me know.
Update: Some guys from some other places have been pm'ing and sending me e-mails asking if this is still on. It is as far as I know.
There's lots of guys showing up, from a bunch of different places. Don't be shy, come on down! I plan on being there tomorrow after fishin, so I might be a little burnt. Look for the chunky taxi driver guy with a shaved head.See ya's there.
Originally by darkskies--
"Somebody's gotta do it. If you leave it up to "somebody" else, it won't get done."
Bump for a timely thread. Now that the spring bass season is getting underway, let's all try to keep the places we fish clean. And if you see any idiots littering, for God's sake say something!![]()
I sometimes take a trash bag with me and pick up garbage when I do the bait and wait thing. I look for discarded line too. Have unwrapped plenty of seagulls in my day. I make sure I teach my kids not litter and show them the ill effects of it. I have caught them preaching these practices to their friends. I had a guy clap when he saw me picking up trash once and vowed he would do the same. Just my part to help some.
Bringing a bag to carry out trash takes no effort at all. Especially this time of year when most of us are bait fishing. While waiting for the fish to strike go around and pick up some trash.
I’ll be there to help clean ……there was a lot of trash deposited there after the last storms. A lot of the dunes are gone. I hope the town ship will one day put some money into the area.
Hey Madcaster, what's up! Been fishin lately?
Just to be clear, this thread was started last year, that's when the clean-up was. I think Steve bumped it up to talk about the trash and problems that happen when too many people bunch up in an area, which is a good topic any time of the year.![]()
well if we cant fish rb we weill fish with the sj guys and u know that will be a hot mess![]()
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