What did you learn to use your time better in the surf?

Some things I learned:

Don't stay married to a spot, even if you know it's killer. If you're fishing at the right time and tide, and it's dead, move on.

Fish all levels of the water column. Don't assume a spot is dead if you haven't done this.

Crowds at night get people pissed, too many fihisng, bla bla bla. All that does is motivate me to have spot B, C, D, and E lined up when I see too many knuckleheads out there. I would rather fish a more desolate spot than fish with the crowd.

Except for the late fall, big offerings will sometimes draw in bigger fish. When you want big, throw big. You may hit less fish, but you gotta decide what you want.

As a go to presentation, bucktails rule.

Moving water has given up some of my nicest fish.