This came from the Stripersforever site, people. See if you can give them some support if you fish in the Mass area, thank you.

Filed by Rep. Matt Patrick, a Democrat from Falmouth, the legislation is in early form as a bill and has not been assigned a number or a committee.

In addition to prohibiting the sale of wild striped bass, the Patrick bill also would reduce the recreational limit from two fish a day to one, and would only allow fish to be kept that measure between 20 and 26 inches or more than 40 inches.


Stripers Forever sends out timely and important information about the welfare of stripers and how you can help end the commercial culture that controls their management. This won’t happen if you and I sit on the sidelines waiting for the other guy to get it done. With the filing of the Conservation Bill we are at a critical juncture in the on-going attempt to conserve and protect wild striped bass. Up to now it has been all words. Now it is time for action by our members...YOU!

Wild, migratory striped bass are under more pressure than ever, and Stripers Forever, a free membership, internet-based organization, is fighting to end commercial fishing for the wild striped bass and manage the resource for personal use/recreational fishing. We need as many members as possible to show the politicians HOW IMPORTANT striped bass are to our economy, our recreation and our grandchildren .

If you haven't signed up yet as a member of Stripers Forever, here are a few things you should know:

Membership is free – no dues - and there are no meetings to attend. Everything is done via the internet and emails.

Stripers Forever helped draft and file a comprehensive Conservation Bill in the MA House of Representatives that will: a) eliminate commercial fishing for wild stripers b) protect the large breeding females, and c) reduce the overall harvest. This is critical legislation that will serve as a model for other states if we can get it passed.

Please help by joining Stripers Forever

Here is all you have to do -- it will take less than a minute and cost nothing:

Go to (note - we have not used live links so that we don't set off spam filters, cut and paste into your browser)

Select “Become A Member” and fill out the very easy to follow sign-up sheet. It is really that simple and you will be helping the bass.

You can also volunteer for a more active role by e-mailing Ted Purcell at this address -

Thank you - Fred Jennings MA Chairman for Stripers Forever


1) Many have changed their email service/address since they signed up to help support the bass and we can no longer contact them....some may be your friends that think they are still active members.

2) With the filing of the MA striped Bass Conservation Bill we need to reach out for as much support as possible by having everyone that cares about the wise use of our natural resources join Stripers Forever.