I have been wanting to learn about viable solar energy options for homeowners for the longest time. The furthest I got was when I heard it cost around $50,000 to set up the average house for a solar energy installation.

I don't know about you folks out there, but I just don't have that kind of money lying around. I understand rebates help to bring costs down, but it seems they have discontinued the rebate program for now.

I feel fuel and energy prices will only keep going higher, and smart citizens will eventually find alternatives. Well, I want to be one of the smart ones. I'm sick of dumping my hard-earned income on fuel costs.

Therefore, I thought I would set up a thread dedicated to discussing solar energy and green building options. Let's try to get a perspective if it really is feasible for the average homeowner. Any info or comments are welcome here. I will try to post links to some informative sites if I get a chance.

As with the penny savers thread, if this develops enough interest, I could put it all together in its own forum.

Meanwhile, feel free to post your own info, if anyone out there has tried to do this.

Also, if there are any contractors or people out there involved in setting this type of system up for homeowners, feel free to promote your company here. Tell us a little about what you do, and where you see the industry is headed.

It would be nice to see people become more knowledgable, and eventually help to decrease the US demand for fuel. Let's see what happens.