I went to the Asbury show today, great show. Waited in line, made it for two of Gary's plugs. But I will fish them, and fish them hard, because they catch fish!

Talked to a few people about the insanity. Compared to Habs. The thing is, no more Habs will be made, ever. Sure he was a great builder. I've read so many stories of his generosity, and how he was the nicest guy you ever could meet. Sometimes even gave plugs away to guys who got caught up in a blitz.

What puzzled me is before today Gary plugs have been easy to get for years, either at shows, or in the shops nearby. I don't really know Gary well, but have seen him only a few times. I think he is a great builder. He builds plugs for the regular fisherman to fish.

But his health is not the greatest. I asked myself How Many of the guys buying are hoarding, waiting for the day Gary is no longer around? That sounded sick to me, until I got into conversations with other buyers today. Without me mentioning it, 2 random strangers mentioned maybe the hype was because some people were greedily betting on Gary not being around too much longer!!

That's a sick reason to buy plugs!!! I don't collect. Only fish what I got, beat the crap out of them if the fish are around. How many have heard the same sick rumors, and are willing to come forward and admit it?