Your biggest fish, or the one that got away. Tell me YOUR story. No crying!

Mine, a few years ago I had the yak out at night, I was drifting eels around a point that dropped off to a channel. Set up the baitcaster in freespool, and slowly glided along. All of a sudden line starts peeling. I give the bass a few seconds, then bang it. I could tell she was a good one, she stayed on the bottom and ran for the channel. It took me 5 or 10 minutes to get her in, she made 3 nice runs. When I saw the tail come out of the water I knew she was a beaut.

I did a quick measurement of her, somewhere around 44 or 45". She had a fat belly, I didn't measure her girth. I would say she was around 30#, give or take a few. I kissed her and sent her on her way to make more babies.

Since then I got a few nice ones. I am still looking for that +40# from the yak. If Pete Vican can do it eeling from a boat, so can I. One day.....