This is for commercially produced videos like Mike Laptew's Stripers Goe Wild, and stuff that is available for purchase commercially. This has nothing to do with videos that people are putting up in our video forums.

What motivates us to go out and actually buy that video? A one word sentence where a guy says, get this video it's cool! .......


What if someone wrote a review about WHO? WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? AND WHY?

And gave their honest opinion of why they felt the video was great, or why it didn't apply to their type of fishing, and wasn't worth it, to them.

So I'm asking any member who's interested to help me out on this. I realize I can't do a review on all these videos. I barely got time.

Some of you guys have, though, and have good opinions why or why not these videos helped you.

Anyone who can write a comprehensive review to help me and the other people out there to decide if a video is worth it, I'll send ya a free plug.

You can follow the format I start below, or follow your own. Don't worry about typos or grammar, no grammar nazis here. It's more important to put it up than worry about how it looks.

Anyone who feels intimidated by the good writers here, I promise no one will criticize your writing or grammar, I just want to hear your honest opinions of the stuff you read.

If ya want the free plug, I'm glad to send it out, but please make the review more than one paragraph, and answer the who what when where and why to some degree.

Maybe insert quotes from the video that you feel might motivate people to buy it, and tell how it helped (or why it didn't help) you.

Honest opinions here. If you think it sucked, please say so, but back up your opinion as to why.

If you think it helped to make you a better fisherman, let us know why as well.

Thanks guys.