Ya mean R-P will finally have a catalog?

This is as momentous as the day Noah's ark was built!

Surfstix1963 will be so overwhelmed he might fall down laughing and hurt himself.

This is a little more laid back than other places, R-P.
Why not have it in 2 places?

I thought you might put the plugs you want to sell, and the pricing, here:

because that's where the other Custom stuff is listed, so it makes sense.

You can also maintain this thread here to talk about your plugs, any changes, new plugs you're working on, big bottomed girls , etc, etc.

Whatever ideas and thoughts that run through your head, and you want to talk about, or maybe here you can talk about WHY you made certain plugs the way you did, and whatever else you feel like sharing with us. It's all good. That way people get 2 chances to see your work showcased.

Does that seem simple enough? If not, set it up any way you want, whatever makes the most sense to you.