There is a guy on the job there over in Staten Island. He's the friend of a friend. The info that was related to me is that the guy is very committed to his job, and not into hearing excuses from people. If youre caught with short fish you will be cited.

The reason I'm putting this up here is I thought people might have a litle more incentive to call if they know the CO likely to respond is a no nonsense kind of guy, and that their reports will be addressed.

Another site I'm a member on, a guy put up a report where he was fishin on his boat next to a boat that had a floating cage. The recreational guys on that boat were putting everything they caught into that floating cage.

Some people may have different views than me on poaching. I'm not asking people to think the same way I do. There are many examples you could give me where I feel it's stupid to put a dying fish back in the water, and I might agree with your logic on that.

But the law is the law. Having grey areas only allows shady people to find a way to justify their behavior.

Example: A friend had a guy who tried to break in their house the other day. He was only caught tresspassing, not in the act of breaking in, yet. When confronted by the wife as to why he was back where he shouldn't, he said "I was only checking your garbage, because you threw something away I wanted"

It's a shame, but some people will resort to this type of excuse when poaching. That's why I feel the law should apply equally to everyone. Even if ya don't agree with me, I don't think there is anyone out there who could justify a floating cage as an "I didn't know it was illegal!" kind of thing.

Make that call guys. Program the #s into your cell phones. Heres the link for anyone who wants it:

I believe the Staten Island #s would be listed under Richmond County.