A long time ago!
Life has a funny way of throwing crap in the fan though.
Some of you here already know me, perhaps have fished with me, or attended an event I organized at another web site I used to frequent.
I am a custom rod builder, plug builder, Surf guide in Rhode Island, and President of Stripercoast Surfcasters. I will be doing lots of referrals and donating a plug here and there to help out this site, as I promised to Darkskies a long time ago.
I promise to be a positive contributor to the community, as well as help in any way I can on the political end of the spectrum.
I am neck deep with Rhode Island issues, and like to believe I have had a hand in some positive outcomes for the surf casters here.
All I do is surf cast for Stripers now, having given up boats 6 years ago. In fact the last one I still own sits winterized in my yard from the '03 season.
Tight lines guy's, and anyone with quetions about Rhodie, or wants to pay a visit here, drop me a line.