I can finally give all of you some very good news. I finally spoke to Supervisor Mark Lesko today. The Town of Brookhaven now has a new policy regarding fishing at Shoreham Beach. As of today Shoreham Beach has been added to Brookhaven’s Night Fishing Permit. Also fisherman will be required to obtain a fishing access sticker for Shoreham Beach for daytime use. This is not a fishing permit or license. It is to determine who is a resident or a non resident. The fishing access sticker will be free to all Town of Brookhaven residents. If you are a non resident you will be able to park in the lot for a fee of $20 and that parking fee will include the sticker. Walk on’s will be permitted for a fee of $10. You will be required to provide valid legal documentation to obtain the sticker. The normal hours of the beach will be extended as well. The beach will be open from 5am to 9pm daily. There will be employees in the booth during those hours. The official opening date for Shoreham Beach is 27 June 2009. However the night fishing permit is currently in effect.

Thank you to everyone who assisted in this effort. If it wasn’t for each and every one of you as individuals this may not have been possible. Each email, phone call, letter sent, petition signed carried a lot of weight in getting Shoreham Beach open to fisherman. This goes to show you what can be done when you are organized and when you stand up for your rights. I also need to thank all of the websites for all of there support. They made it much easier to mobilize everyone in our efforts of regaining access at the beach. Last but not least we also need to thank Supervisor Lesko for all of his support. He has clearly proven that he is a friend of the fisherman and looking out for the best interests of everyone involved. You can all be proud of this victory.

There will be more to follow in the near future. Once again thank you for all of your support.


Tom Farrell
Secretary – New York Coalition for Recreational Fishing Inc.