Two options for a fishing day:

Option 1
Ready to fish at 5:00 AM .You fish till 11:00 AM pluging a mile of beach with a few rock piles, white water, overcast, slight east wind. You land 8 stripers between 22 inches and 29 inches. Miss a couple hits. Catch 4 blue fish (10 pounds in quick blitz situation). A good morning fishing, saw no one else, lots of action.

Option 2.
You are ready to fish at 5:00. You drive around checking beaches for pods of bunker. Up 1 street, down the next. Town to town.
You see a bunker pod at 6:30, run down to the beach, hang for three hours, the fish stay out there. You go back to the truck, more driving and looking. Lunch at a diner, More driving, phone call at 1:30, head to the area, run to the jetty, join 25 others, hook up and land two fish, one 25 pounds, the other 42 pounds. Loose another big fish in the lines of others. You are done fishing at 3:00 PM.

I thought about this as I was hitting the beach Monday morning and 3 trucks come flying down the side street, guys jump out, look up and down the beach, jump back in their trucks and speed away.