Hello everyone,

I have finally decided to join the site. Some of you I have met and some I have not. Let me introduce myself. I am the girlfriend of Darkskies .

I love the sport of fishing and have been doing it since I was a little girl. The sad part is that I have never caught a striper. Well that is not all true. Last year I caught my first short and DS dropped it in the water before the picture could be taken. . Now he spends much of time trying to get me the fish of a lifetime.

My weakness is my cast. Some of you have tried to show me how to improve. For some reason no matter how much I try I can't seem to whip the rod like the big guys out there. My strength is my ability to "feel" the fish as it is about to take my line. I have a gentle touch and finesse. (That will make a great post strength and weaknesses!)

The biggest fish I caught was a 15lb bluefish. It tired me out so I am not too sure I would be able to pull in a 30 lb striper.

I have enjoyed reading the posts here. Some of you put up pretty incredible stories. I have learned alot from all of you and hope to meet you soon.

Tight lines and I'll see you on the beach.