Quote Originally Posted by Jackbass View Post
My Nick Name is Jackbass here and other locations people May have seen me.

Started Fishing when I was young 5 years old nailed my first bluegill on a banana with a zebco and I was hooked. :

...... I learn something new every trip and there are plenty of them.

Now I fish the Surf almost exclusively 98% I am hooked. There is nothing in the world like standing on a point and having white water around your ankles knees and feeling salt in your face for me at this point. Watching current take a plug or lure into the wash and having it disappear on a tight line with a boil or crash is what it is all about.

Bass Wishes

Hey Jackbass what's up!

Your post to me crystallizes what it's like to be out there. A lot of people don't get that and wouldn't understand, but then there are those of us to whom your words say it all. Great first post.

I like to think we're all learning at every stage of our lives, the only difference being that as we get older maybe we're lucky to pass some of that knowledge back to others.

"Bluegill on banana" great story, I remember as a kid going for sunnies with worms, seeing a pickerel with a sunny in it's mouth and trying like hell to catch that big pickerel. I probably realized at that time that catching big predators was an adrenaline rush that I couldn't get enough of.

This thing we love to do draws people together from all walks of life..... respect and love of the outdoors, and a desire to learn, is all ya need. Welcome aboard, look forward to fishin with ya one day.