The Ultimate Ice-Fishing Vehicle, Only $10,945

by Evan Shamoon (RSS feed) — Aug 9th 2009 at 1:19PM

Ice fishers and hunters looking for the latest in "multi-seasonal amphibious vehicle" transport (You know who you are!) would be well served to check out Tom Roering's newest invention. He's been working on it since 1998, and it's finally ready for the marketplace.

The Wilcraft (WIL stands for Water, Ice, and Land) is an amphibious, ice-fishing vehicle. With a top-out speed of 20 mph, the thing comes with three ice-fishing holes, a place to stash your auger, and a cover for warmth. It's also remarkably lightweight, with ground pressure roughly equivalent to that of a person walking, so as to not take any unnecessary dips in freezing cold water. But, in the event that it does, it will float, too, of course.

It's furnished "much like a summer fishing boat," with space for lunch, ice, and various beverages. The thing is fully customizable (caterpillar tracks, anyone?) with prices starting at $10,495.

For any regular ice fishermen out there with the cash to spend, this seems like a no-brainer. Also, we think it would be fun to drive around in Halo 4.