Pebbles and I did some scouting today, and were walking past this great bunch of young kids just learning to fish. Their Aunt Debbie decided to take them fishing today at Point Pleasant.

They were all tangled up as we walked by. I told myself I would help them out for a few and move on. 4 hours later we were still there.

We started out setting them up to fish for fluke, teaching them basic knot tying, telling them about the current, downsizing their hooks, etc. There was so much boat traffic I didn't have high hopes for them catching, but we figured we'd give it a shot just the same.

And these were very active, high energy kids. We were impressed at how Aunt Debbie handled them. They really seemed to be a handful.

Fishing is one of the most powerful things I know to get a child's attention, and catching even more so. Today we were successful in both of those categories.