Hello brothers & sisters that persue this thing of ours.

I always had the idea that larger swimmers will get the fish's attention MUCH better than ANY plug up to 6 inches or so.
personally,I LOVE slinging large plugs7,8,9 and 10 inchers and swim them on top.
mind you the plugs in question are my own as I like to use heavy wood. Poplar is my favorite,actually I would only consider another wood to build on for about .87 seconds then,it will still be poplar.

my reasoning in this is the FACT that when a plug sits still in the water it kinda floats high on the surface. when it is retrieved it waggs more and since it is not lower in the water,it does not MOVE as much water.

I build my larger stuff with the intention that it floats well but,sits low on the surface and when it's retrieved it actually pushes water up,over and to the side of it as it moves along. even though it is indeed heavier than most lures of the same size,it wants not to dive BUT ride up and over the top of the water,it's weight and the short lip are what keeps it wagging along and also keeps it riding the rips.

as I have mentioned before in a thread awhile back,I have the mind of an engineer and the soul of an artist.
I get inspired by many things that we see everyday. as for the lures I make I have adopted the design that one would use in a large ship.

the container ship is one that inspired me a lot. I build my lures with the similar shape of a ships hull. widest in the middle and narrower at each end.
I like giving the nose a semi-wide profile so it will create a bow wave which,adds to the movement of water.

I have had good success fishing right alongside other builders while no one else got any attention.
so,with that I must be doing it right.
Monty will be able to attest to this fact next week,I am sure he will be smiling wide.
So,anyone that has any ideas or thoughts about what I have posted,lets hear 'em,make this interesting K?
Now,I must take flight,,,,,