OK people, we have another new member here, OneMoreCast (just by his name alone I like the guy, how many times has that "onemorecast" kept you out fishin for another hour?)

As I understand it, he started a company to market and sell plastic baits and some other things when he saw how flimsy some of the other plastics on the market were. It's amazing how easily some plastic baits get destroyed, costing fishermen money as they have to replace them after one or 2 uses.

It's mostly targeted towards fresh water fishermen, but the possibilities for the salt are there.

I haven't met him yet so I can't vouch for his products. He seems like a guy who takes pride in his business. He started that business because he and the people who work for him love to fish.

I'm sure if you had any questions he wouldn't be shy in answering them. Go to his site and check out the stuff.