Quote Originally Posted by Frankiesurf View Post
I hate to see fishermen denouncing and joking about the extinction of a species. The numbers of these birds have come back in recent years but last year the numbers were down. This is mostly due to recreational beach users.
Quote Originally Posted by DarkSkies View Post
I don't want to see a species driven to extinction either.... Meanwhile, at least at SH, the birders were there every day this year, and walked down a lot of the trails as they took their pics of them. I didn't see anyone tresspass, don't want to fling any accusations. I only think we should be able to work together on this, even though fishermen and environmentalists seem to come from different worlds. Just my crazy opinion, as usual, about the ideal of all parties working together to resolve an issue.

Ask yourself who has more to gain if the beaches are closed for a long time, fishermen or the tree huggers. I feel it's either the tree huggers or the idiots in the SUVs who treat the beach like it's their own personal baja race. These are usually younger folks in the early 20's, most of whom don't even fish but come on the beach to party and race on the sand. Then when they get stuck they whine for someone to please help them out. I would say at least 10% of people who get the beach fishing permit at IBSP never fish and only go there to sunbathe away from the bathing beaches or go on picnics. I would blame a person like that first before I put the blame on fishermen.