Tom I hope you don't mind me hijacking this thread of yours I found on another site. My heart truly goes out to you and your family.

After having lost my sister to cancer I decided to make it my life's mission to help anyone I can who is effected with serious illness.

As you are all aware Tom Farrell is very involved in our fishing community. If you can help even if it is just a dollar please help support this little boy.

If any of you wish to give you follow these instructions by Tom - Go to Once you on there click on the send money to an email address option. Send the donation to That is the email address my sister uses and it is set up through paypal to go into the account she opened for Danny.

This is near and dear to me. My brother in laws little cousin has been diagnosed with Nueroblastoma. He needs some serious medical treatment and apparently his parents medical coverage will not cover everything he needs. So I am reaching out to all of you. If you can find it in your hearts to make some form of a donation it would be highly appreciated. Whether it be monetary in any amount or an item for the raffle event would be highly appreciated. I know we are living in tough times so anything will be highly appreciated. There will be a fundraiser event held at the Garage Bar and Grill located on Montauk Highway in Bayport on the 25th of October @ 1500hrs (3pm). I will be at the clean up in Shoreham beach during the morning however I will surely be at little Danny's fundraiser afterwards. This is for a great cause for a child that dearly needs all the help he can get folks otherwise I would not be posting it here. I hope all of you can dig down deep in your hearts to help in some way or another. Please keep in mind that I do realize we are living in tough times. Some even more than others so any form of a donation will be highly appreciated. So far for the raffle donations I know that there are items being donated by the NY Giants, the Long Island Ducks and various other sources. Please do what you can to help. Thank you all in advance for any support that you may be able to give.


Tom Farrell

Tom Farrell
Vice President - New York Coalition for Recreational Fishing