One of the reasons is that this legislation is a key precept to understanding the National or Statewide Saltwater licenses that are being pushed on us.

Most people accept this as a reality that we MUST swallow. I say it's mostly because a lot of anglers won't fight it, so they know they can get away with it.

Fine, if licensing actually produces the goals they claim it will.

Did you ever wonder what were the safeguards to ensure what will happen so the pile of $$ collected doesn't get siphoned to pay off some entirely different state program?

Well, part of it has to do with Wallup Breaux funding and the Wallup Breaux Amendments.

As I said with the Magnusson Stevens Act, I'm running a little lean on the time I have as I get into more Admin responsibilities here.

So, as previously asked, I'm asking for your help in filling in this thread, guys and girls.

Google is your friend... just type in either of the above highlighted terms and you will be inundated with links. But what I'm looking for here is GOOD links and resulting posts, ones that explain this mind-boggling legalese in terms the average person can understand and relate to.

Thanks for all your help, people!