OK I know that this sounds like another "sky is falling" kind of post. Many of you aren't in a position to see the things I and others involved in supporting our fishing rights are involved in.

You aren't able to see the big picture because many of the closures and restrictions in other areas don't involve you personally. I understand part of that, we only want to expend effort where we feel it will make a difference.

However, big changes will be put out there in the next 4 years which will affect the way we fish. I learned from the SSFFF meeting that ranting about it on the internet, or going to a meeting or 2, is sometimes not enough.

I received news that Dr Jane Lubchenko was appointed head of the NOAA in early 2009. Why is this significant? Because part of her education and grants she received while getting her doctorate were funded by the PEW Trust.

As such, it's my contention, and the belief of many others, that she cannot be objective in her job if she is beholden to PEW interests, and therefore is not a friend to fishermen.

I, and others, believe that her ultimate agenda is to shut or restrict fishing for many species we fish for. She already did this for red snapper, which will have a severe economic impact on those (tackle shops, coffee shops, marinas, etc) who depend on the fishermen in Southern states.