No judgement here, but I'm seeing this enough in the fishing world that I think it merits discussion. I'd like to use this thread as an ongoing dialogue as to what's happening to our fishing resources, laws and legislation, and why we should give an eff about it.

"Well Dark I only fish a few times a year, why should I care?"

"Well, I have a family to take care of, and small kids at home. They take up all my time."

"Ya know how bad this economy is!@!! The best I can do is hold on to my job. I don't have time to do anything else!!"

"Well why should I get involved in something if most everyone doesn't care about it anyway? Why should it be only on the shoulders of me and a few other guys?"

"What's the use? They're only going to shut down our fisheries anyway. Ya know what they say, you can't fight city hall!"

"Get involved? You sound like Chicken Little, dude!! There's plenty of bass and other fish to go around for everyone. You make too much out of nothing, dude, you're delusional!"

"Besides, even if we do get involved, what's the use? How can one person make a difference?"

"I'd rather leave it up to the other guys. I just don't have the time"