IMO except for JCAA the other are all pretty much talking and the RFA does the Lobbing in Washington the march on Washington in February was started by RFA and SSFFF to show unity of the recreational sector. Buses have been set up in 4 locations to bring anglers to Washington for $32.00 round trip.

Main concern now is fisheries being shut down by Ms. Lubchenco the PEW appointed Obama puppet. These closures are putting extreme pressure on Striped Bass and fluke which if they become over fished will shut them down next.

Over fished is different from over quota.

Over quota means you surpassed the government assigned quota
Over fished means a species is harvested faster then nature can supply it.

All the activists groups always used the term over fished when they lobby in Washington important to remember. Pew is now paying charter boat captains to convey this to the public.

Inaccurate over fished information caused seabass to be closed even though it was 103% rebuilt 3 years ahead of schedule.
Weakfish are truly over fished
Winter flounder will probably have no 2010 recreational season

So at any time Ms. Lubchenco deems bass or fluke over fished it's all over this is why it's so important to protect them now.

Plus she is not in favor of all coastal states having there own rules( like NJ has 2 bass @28"), she wants coastal NOAA size and bag limits giving her total control of all recreational fisheries.

The editorial in Sport Fishing magazine "To Late to Stop the Train Wreck" is down right sickening if you are a recreational fisherman.