From WFN

Henry Waszczuk Catches Rare Deep Sea Fish

Published on: March 4, 2010

These fish range throughout most of the Atlantic ocean but are most commonly caught in the straits of Florida and in the Bahamas. Atlantic Scombrops is a deep water fish (600 to 2000 ft.) that is seldom caught by recreational anglers because it takes some really deep water line dropping to reach them and then you have that 20 minute to 30 minute reel time to get them up. They have two dorsal fins and are notable for their large scales (somewhere between a red drum and a tarpon) covering the soft parts of the dorsal and anal fins. The eyes are large; similar to that of a swordfish due to the low light conditions in their deeper depths in which they live. The Scombrops lives in deep rocky areas, and can grow to a length of 60 inches and weigh up to 40 lbs. Henry had a chance to make this deep water drop while fishing with Captain Jeb at the Southern Cross Club in Little Cayman Island. The great HD video footage will be released in May on the FTF TV Series. Watch it Tuesdays at 10:30pm on WFN.