Let me go on record as saying that "those guys" who swim out to rocks get all the respect in the world in my book. Whether we're talking about Melnyk and Frank Blasko, any of the other hardcore Montauk guys.

Or the guys who do it in other places, like Gunny aka Stripercoast1, Jake, anyone else who's insane enough to do it.

Someone recently mentioned that some were offended by their attitudes. The last I checked, living in the US gives you freedom to have an attitude.

None of that stuff matters to me, all that counts is that they love fishing. Blasko might look like a character from a Steven King movie but he's a helluva fisherman. I fished with him and would fish with him again anytime.

Melnyk is an icon in the fishing community as well. Some call him crazy, some say he has a death wish. Some think he's rude. Most of the guys who really know Paul will tell you that he will talk to anyone about the thing he loves most, skishing.

I got news for fishermen out there, there are characters that are a lot less friendly than these 2, especially if you mug their spot at night.

So to Melnyk and Blasko. They're doing it their way, and don't care if people like it or not. Effumall!

Mr Sid Vicious salutes them too. RIP, Sid.