The Toyota Saltwater Expo opens today from noon to 8 p.m. at the Garden State Center at Somerset (Exit 10 off Interstate 287), and continues through Sunday.

Not quite so pleasing, but very important, is today's 2 p.m. panel discussion: "Are you satisfied with your angling data?" This involves the upcoming national registry of saltwater fishermen.

The details of that program will come out in the presentation by Gordon Colvin, the former New York Marine District chief who's now working for NOAA Fisheries on the registration initiative that may well virtually force New Jersey to adopt a saltwater license. The panel will be presented again tomorrow at 11:45 a.m.

Folks - I fear we are a short time away from national saltwater license for all fishermen. There are solid arguments from each side why this is or isn't necessary. However, the ball has started rolling and politicians are involved. Whether you agree with it in principle or not, it won't pay to ignore it and hope it will go away.

We as fishermen are responsible for learning what goes on around us. True, there are times when many of us, myself included, feel powerless to do anything about current legislative events involving fishermen. Sometimes we say "Oh what's the use! OR "Even if I get involved, it really won't matter anyway."

Sometimes it feels like everything involving fishermen's rights is an uphill battle, but doing nothing about your concerns means there is no battle at all -- we concede defeat by our apathy sometimes.

So I am asking all fishermen out there, whether you are a member here or not, to get involved, and learn about these things. Our rights are being eroded every day. A few minutes of your day learning makes you a more valuable constituent to the politicians.

Once we become more informed, we can make better decisions. Thank you all - bunkerjoe