on sunday April 4th,2010 at 3:23-am,I made a cast with my long,light
stick[St.Croix] mated to a shimano Catala-301-a.
attached was a 3/4 oz smiling bill tipped with an 8 inch white
I casted for about 40 minutes and then,,,BAYUM!,,I was into a fat

20 minutes later,I hit another fat schoolie,good fighter too!
then at almst 4-am,I slammed into a fat bass again!,,,this one took some
drag[15 mono].
I fought with it and had to do some dancing to land it because of where
I was fishing.
still,I land it and it was 26 inches.

so,I guess I broke the ice early!
yeah baby!
forgot the cam,saw the water temp is 48 so,I went,I casted,I caught!
also,I heard 2 fish smack on top somewhere far out.
