Quote Originally Posted by rip316 View Post
THESE THINGS WERE HORRID. The meat was grey dude. I don't mind clammin or fishing chunks. The smell doesn't bother me but, these things were bad. Tackle shop should be ashamed to sell these things.
Quote Originally Posted by finchaser View Post
DS is this what made your waders stink


OK it's a little embarassing but who cares, it's all good even my stinky waders.

I was fishing with Finchaser last week. We took his van. I knew the waders stunk because I could detect a faint aroma, the kind you get when you go out fishin a lot, don't change out the waders, and the stink of perspiration and other substances lingers longer.

There was an aura of stink wafting around me. No wonder when we went in the WaWa to get some coffee the people behind us stood 10 feet away.

Finchaser was too diplomatic to say something at the time, or maybe he's so grouchy because he lost his sense of smell.

Anyway, the morning after his girlfriend gets in the van.

The first words out of her mouth were:
"Whoa, what the heck is that horrible smell?
Were you guys fishing bait last night?"

"Nope, that's Rich and his waders, he was sitting right there where you are..."

At that point I think she forced him to stop the van, and they had to sanitize and put blankets on the seat where I was sitting.

Does that seem embarassing?
Maybe I need to wash those waders soon?