wanna fish a bucktail waay out and not worry about hitting bottom?,, how about being able to sling a sluggo out to nearly or at 100 yards or more?,,
what about fishing a large streamer fly waay out and having no problem getting out there 300 feet?
well heres how you can do it!
what I do is use my tried/true dangle method,thats right I said dangle damn it!
take a tennis ball and punch a hole through both sides of it with a bait needle.

take your leader[I like 30 inches-5 feet long]and tie a barrel swivel on one end.
take a bait needle and tie it to the other end. push the bait needle through the tennis ball pull the leader through till the barrel hits the tennis ball.
at the other side of the tennis ball cut the leader leaving more than enough to tie on another barrel swivel.
tie another barrel swivel onto the bottom of the tennis ball.

now,all you have to do is tie on a bucktail,sluggo or small jig using your choice of leader length to fish waay out with ease. as I do,I like to put on a 3/4-1 oz smiling bill and sling it out,let it drift waay out there and then either employ my "do nothing method" or work it back slowly.

this really works well with a 8 inch saltwater assassin sea-shad,I like to have 4 feet of leader and do nothing waay out or slowly bring it in,they really whack the **** outta it!

thats the H-H Dangle method *****!
act like ya heard me,,,,,