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ATTN: all Mariners Hello All,
For those on here who do not know me, (Lol im sure ive already met some of you). I am a boarding team member for the USCG here in Manasquan inlet. FYI!!! if i have to go out one more time because someone on the beach with there cereal box binoculars, who sees a boat within a mile of a whale and calls me, saying the whales are being harrased. I will smack you. Then shove the binocuars down ur throat. I had to go out 3 times today to OMG boats near schools of bunker!!!!!! and WOAHHH whales eating bunker?? So not only do we burn 80 gallons of fuel, burn up our crew, and move my fellow fisherman off bunker bass and blues, These people want me to try to stop nature from happening. WHales eat bunker, bass and blues eat bunker, fisherman snag bunker.......its just nature...LOL. where there are whales there are bunker and fisherman. Sorry for the rant but this is rediculous 4 times in 2 days. I dont care if you guys watch whales, thats fine. Just when you see them dont make a b-line to them to take pics.....PLEASE!! watch from a distance.

And if shamu happens to surface near your boat. just make a slow bell in an opposing direction until he swims off. The want us to try to enforce a 500 yard zone around them, thats stupid and nearly impossibe to make a security zone around a moving diving whale. Just please guys, mind your distance.

Thanks-----p.s If you see us coming you dont have to scatter like flies. although its funny as hell i feel bad pushing you guys off fish. whats the worst that could happen......i take ten min of ur time to make sure you have the stuff to save your own a$$. smooth sailing my friends