Jane Bonner is in charge of this, there was a public meeting in which she "happily" reported that fishing access would be closed. We have to make our vioces heard on this guys, beginning of all the access dominos falling down. Complacency will get us nowhere. Here's a c&p of the issues she cited, and her phone #. Call that # as much as you can, be respectful, and voice your opinion as a tax-paying fisherman who votes!

According to her, Miss Jane Bonner shut the place down to fishing due to the following:

1. homeless people living in the woods leaving dirty diapers and other filth
2. homeless people living in derelict boats in the woods
3. Shoreham was never on the night access list
4. she has recieved numerous calls from locals praising the action now that they can enjoy the beach again
5. illegal activity that the police cannot totally control
6. she is just enforcing existing regulations, not restricting anyone

If you want to hear it first-hand, call her @ 631.451.8894